Friends of Faith:
When I hear: “I can’t bring myself to go to Church – Christians are such hypocrites.” I think of the two readings I heard this week.
The first was the proverbial “damned if I do, damned if I don’t” reading from Luke 7: 34-35 where John the Baptist is said to be possessed by a demon because he fasted. And Jesus was called a glutton and drunkard because he ate and drank with tax collectors and sinners.
The second is yesterday’s reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians: “Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me life is Christ, and death is gain. If I go on living in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. And I do not know which I shall choose. I am caught between the two. I long to depart this life and be with Christ, for that is far better. Yet that I remain in the flesh is more necessary for your benefit.” Phil 1: 21-24
Just as Jesus was called to eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners, so are we called to minister to each other. And as the Gospel yesterday proclaimed: to not remain idle, but to get to work! Mt 20: 1-16
Jesus left us the Church and the Eucharist so that we could receive the grace of being fed by His Body and Blood (Communion) and be energized by His Word on at least a weekly basis.
Personally, I need to “eat” and be fed more often, so I choose to pray and read Scripture daily and go to Mass more often than just once a week.
And I enjoy giving “stuff” away and speaking the truth using Jesus’ name. I want to see others succeed with Him, and to show others that being with Him is better than against/without Him.
Likewise, I have an occasional tendency to want to do things entirely for my own pleasure and it’s likely that someone is calling me a hypocrite. And at other times I know someone is saying – “stay away from her, she’s a “Jesus” freak, “over the top” holy.”
So as Christians we can be frustrated because we are often caught in the middle, struggling to balance our own wants and desires with being what God wants us to be: His messengers trying to bring others closer to Him. And I struggle to ignore those who judge me (and with judging others) for being both secular and Christian.
The fine line is not to despair and not to give up. This is exactly the hope we know and receive from God’s love and God’s Church!
Because Church isn’t for the holy and perfect: The Holy are the Saints already in heaven. And they no longer need the Church.
Pope Francis says the Church is a “field hospital.” Church is for sinners because I am (we are) the one who needs to hear His message of healing, forgiveness and hope. Whether we believe or don’t believe; whether we’ve professed our faith or not; we are still the people who need to be within the walls of His Church on a regular basis.
And as the baptized who are called to be evangelists, we are the ones chosen to labor, to remain here on this earth not just for the benefit of becoming holy ourselves, but for sharing His Gospel message to help bring others to holiness – in whatever manner we are called.
Be diligent, be hopeful, be aware – God is calling you to be with Him and for Him while you are In His Church.