Monday, November 23, 2009

Give Thanks

Sunday’s readings for the feast of Christ the King serve to remind us that Jesus Christ is the King for all nations and all people( Daniel 7:13-14) and that his role here on earth was not to be king of the earth, but the king of heaven—an eternal kingdom of peace, justice and love.

“When Jesus affirms that His whole purpose is to testify to the truth, Pilate cynically asks, "What is Truth?" May those words serve to melt all pessimism, doubt and despair about the ultimate triumph of good over evil, and of the effectiveness of our witness through prayer and suffering, as we struggle to live the Truth that the "Pilates" of our day so freely reject!” USCCB Meditation on John 18:33b-37

God tells us that his Truth will triumph over evil and that our witness of the Truth thru prayer and suffering will gain us the eternal kingdom. How would the division between our families and churches look to the people in Daniel and John’s time?

Would they see us as all being of the same kingdom, following the truth that Jesus Christ spoke, or would we be seen as “political” kingdoms following politics and ideals of a human nature instead of Jesus’ teachings?

What about the “truths” being taught in our schools and homes—do we tell our children one thing and live our own lives differently? Are we speaking and teaching the truths of the commandments? Do our children hear and see the truth of God’s teachings, or do they see laws being made which “legalize” the politics of the day (legal abortion, legal living together without marriage, legal gay marriage, legal divorce, or an everyone does that/“me” attitude)? It gives me hope to know that God will ultimately conquer with good over evil in the light of our current political and moral decay.

The past weeks Christian radio programming has focused on “Thanksgiving.”

So here is an “unordinary” list of Thanks—I hope you all have your own “lists” to add not only on Thanksgiving Day, but on every other day for all that God has given us.

Dear God, Thank you for giving us your son here on earth to teach us the truths, to live and die for us.

Thank you for dying on the cross so that we may be forgiven for all of our “human” interpretations, errors, actions, hypocrisies, and misunderstandings of your truth.

Thank you for giving us the sacrament of marriage to teach us how to be unselfish and to depend on our faith in you.

Thank you for the sufferings in my life that have brought you nearer to me and my family.

Thank you for teaching me to pray so that I can give you my burdens.

Thank you for putting me in a place here on earth where I am not prosecuted for speaking your name, but have the ability to spread your word/truth by my actions and speech.

Thank you for giving us friends who share our values/your truths and who are willing to inspire us with their wisdom.

Thank you for giving me comfort when I am lonely or sad, hope when I am discouraged and peace when I am worried.

Thank you for parents, grandparents and great grandparents (those older than us) who teach us love, perseverance and courage from days past.

Thank you for the hugs, smiles, and innocence of children and grandchildren, our own and those that are shared with us, for they are God’s greatest blessings and our future.

Thank you for the ability to share my bounty: time, talent and treasures, with those less fortunate.

Thank you for every moment here on earth I am given to spend with my loved ones.

Thank you for the time I was allowed to spend with the loved ones that have gone before me.

Thank you for giving me hope in the Word that by living as your servant and following your Truth I will reach your eternal kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Blessings and Thanks for Your Friendship—

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