Monday, February 4, 2013

Love and Trust Near

Women of Faith:

Be bold, be humble. Speak the truth about love.

Why is it that we are so ready to believe something created by humans, yet are so fearful of speaking and believing the truth created by God?

Were you disgusted or did you believe what you saw depicted as love, and as “normal,” in the multi-million dollar ads on TV during the Super Bowl? Will you be as ready to stand up and advertise real love and real truth?

“Amen, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own native place.” Lk 4: 24

(CNA/EWTN News) ‘Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday asked Christians to proclaim God’s love with “boldness, humility and coherence” like Jesus.
“Let us ask the Lord to give each of us a spirit of courage and wisdom, so that in our words and actions, we may proclaim the saving truth of God’s love with boldness, humility and coherence,” said Pope Benedict.
“Jesus did not come to seek the consent of men, but to give testimony to the truth. The true prophet does not obey anyone other than God and places himself at the service of truth, ready to pay in person.”
He noted that “it is true that Jesus is the prophet of love, but love has its own truth. Love and truth are “two names for the same reality” and “two names of God.”
“Love does not boast, it is not puffed up with pride, it is not disrespectful, it does not seek its own interests and does not get angry. It does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice over wrongdoings but rejoices with the truth,” he said. (1 Cor 13: 4-6)
The Pope said that to believe in God is to “give up prejudices and accept the concrete face in which he has revealed himself, the man Jesus of Nazareth. This way also leads to recognize him and serve him in others.”
He talked about the Sunday reading in which Jesus reads a passage of the Old Testament at a synagogue. Jesus said that “no prophet is accepted in his own country” and named two miracles performed by the prophets Elijah and Elisha.
Pope Benedict said Jesus’ words “showed that sometimes there is more faith outside of Israel.”
“At that point the reaction was unanimous as all rose to hunt him down and to try to throw him off a cliff, but he calmly passes through the angry people and leaves,” said Pope Benedict.
“Why did Jesus want to cause this failure?” he asked.
“But this is precisely the point: Jesus did not come to seek the consent of men, but to give testimony to the truth.”’ (CNA/EWTN News)

It is often easier to hear the “prophets of afar.” It is often easier to listen to the social and cultural media ads by giving them greater authority, by allowing them to distance me from living my Christian beliefs and values, and by enticing me to believe that I can judge and live by my own standards. Instead I should be listening to, responding to and speaking about the message that Jesus brought to us through his life of sacrifice and death on the cross.

Instead of “hearing” those God has placed nearest to me to help guide me: my spouse and faith filled friends, instead, sometimes, it can seem easier to choose to throw Him (them) off the cliff and believe in the media, the culture, so that I can remain “socially” acceptable.

In faith, however, I know the nearness of the truth within myself—the natural and born again truth, thru Christian baptism in water and the Spirit, which He created within my heart and soul for all eternity.

Jesus is “that native place,” the voice of truth and love.  He is present to offer me hope.  

By trusting in the real truth, by accepting His forgiveness, and by responding to those around me in charity and love, with patience and kindness, then my eternal reward will be far greater than anything temporary offered to me here on earth.

Heavenly Father, I will sing of YOUR salvation. You are so very near. Help me to speak YOUR truth. Help me to sacrifice me, for You! Guide me to avoid the temptations of following that which is far from Your path by being more aware of Your love which is so near. Give me the faith to speak up for the far richer gifts of heavenly reward while denying and avoiding the temptations of the temporary richness of this world.  Amen.

Jesus doesn’t need our consent. He is VERY near and only needs us to follow.

Will you accept the love and truth that is Christ near you?

Be blessed by seeing AND accepting Christ,

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