Monday, March 28, 2011

Knock, Knock

Friends in Faith:

“Knock, Knock.

Who’s There?


No way.”

“Jesus said to the people in the synagogue at Nazareth: “Amen, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own native place. Lk 4:24-30

I was always bad at “knock, knock” jokes, but that’s what this bible reading reminded me of—how many times has someone been at my door, but because I knew them I didn’t listen to their truth. They were not an expert.

How many times have I sought advice from an expert? Gone miles, waited for some “lightening strike,” some so called expert, to tell me what I was waiting and wanting to hear.

Yet, Jesus, had been telling me all along thru someone sent with His Spirit what is right, what is good, what is the truth—well you get the picture.

Deacon Joe may profess not to be holy—as he is human; but by his vocation, God has given Him the grace to be His messenger. The comment that he made yesterday about our culture struck me as very prophetic: “If we fill up on the culture, we will be poisoned. But if we fill up on the “living water, Christ Jesus” we will be made clean. And we will live as God intended.”

Heavenly Father, I believe You are in the least of us. I believe You send me Your message in those I know so that I won’t have to wait til I have time to seek an expert. Help me to trust. Help me to discern. Help me to seek Your Truth. Help me to open the door to You. Thank you for the wisdom You share thru Your simple yet brave messengers. Fill me with “living water.” Amen.

So, am I opening the door to the loudest experts in culture, saying “come in” to those who tell me it is right because “everyone is doing it,” are they the experts? Or is Jesus gently knocking, in the quiet, deepest recesses of my soul, telling me in whispers, sending me an expert each week by asking me to attend church, and to be filled with “living water.” He is here, everyday, at my door. He is asking me to let Him in, He is in someone I know.

Which “knock, knock” am I answering?


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