Monday, June 20, 2011

Long Summer Daze

Women of Faith:

I’d like to start with a prayer request for the mom’s (and families) of Nick and Luke who left home this weekend on a new journey. It’s never easy when the nest gets empty, but even more so when they go far away. Pray not only that Nick and Luke (and family) will be at peace, but that they will be guided and protected by God in all that they are asked to do. And that their moms (and families) will find comfort and peace in knowing that they are following God’s path by using the gifts and talents He has given them to serve others.

I don’t know why, but the longer the days, the more I try to fit into them. Instead of the lazy days of summer, I feel dazed by the rush and like I am missing out on more than I am enjoying.

“Brothers and sisters, rejoice. Mend your ways, encourage one another, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you.” 2 Cor 13:11-12

I find that when I am distracted I am more easily led astray. I need encouragement. I seek peace and comforting acknowledgment that there will be another day to get it all done.

I have three things I keep close by to help me stay grounded. 1) I always have a Christian or motivational book by my bed— to put my mind back on the right track, or to help me fall asleep :)

2) My radio is turned to Christian: KNWS 101.9 FM or 1090 AM—both in my car and on my computer at work—music not only relieves my stress, but alternatively the beat of the music energizes me, or if I am on AM then the motivation is turned on!!

And 3) When I am on a long ride in the car, dreading the thought of using the elliptical, or taking a true “time out,” my rosary and a prayer book are always close at hand. Sometimes I just don’t know where to begin to pray, and sometimes I just need the calming effect of a common prayer --in either case I know that praying will bring me closer to Jesus’ and that Mary will understand and reassure me that my requests are really no different than hers were for her son, her family and her friends.

Heavenly Father: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Help me to keep it simple. Help me to keep on the straight and narrow path towards you. Thank you for the encouragement of friends you put in just the right places at just the right times. Thank you for Christian musicians and writers. Amen.

Keep your days lazy and your gaze turned upward.

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