Monday, January 30, 2012

Believe to Achieve

Women of Faith:
I have had the same dreams as most American women: a “showcase” home; a fantasy vacation in a five star hotel; and the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

And I believed I could achieve.

But as I began my Monday morning rosary I reflected on Jesus’ walk with me thru this prayer. As I asked for his blessings on family and friends I realized how important it is to truly believe that the miracles for which I prayed could be achieved.

I realized how important it is that my goals, visions and dreams reflect not the American dream, but rather God’s dream. And that if I believed His vision, I would achieve His vision.

Here’s an example: The Fourth Joyful Mystery is the Presentation. The prayer is, “Mary, you obeyed the Law of God in presenting the Child Jesus in the Temple. Obtain for me “a Spirit of Sacrifice.”

I have often asked God to help me to not “want more” of what others have but rather to be more willing to “give up” of what I have been blessed with and to not expect anything in return: to have a Spirit of Sacrifice.

My goal is to be able to not resent what others seem to achieve and to not expect or think I deserve something in return for whatever it is that I do for others: to have a Spirit of Sacrifice.

I realized as I prayed that God grants me a miracle each time I can feel joy in another person’s blessings and achievements. I see Him granting me that Spirit of Sacrifice when I strive to give unconditional love to our family; when I chose to spend time volunteering rather than shopping; and when I have the heart to give away something that is only a material possession.

I am more content than I ever thought possible with the grace that fills our marriage; with a home filled by joy rather than possessions; with time to spend sharing with friends and family; and with the blessing of being able to give to someone who has suffered a tragedy.

I have tried to turn my vision for the “good life” into His vision of a “good life”—that of sacrifice and service. Just as Mary gave Jesus back to God at the Presentation and just as Jesus himself gave to us on the cross—they believed that their sacrifices would achieve life for each of us.

Although I am free in regard to all, I have made myself a slave to all so as to win over as many as possible. To the weak I became weak, to win over the weak. I have become all things to all, to save at least some. All this I do for the sake of the gospel, so that I too may have a share in it. 1 Cor 9:22-23

I believe I can achieve.

I believe in a spirit of sacrifice for the sake of the gospel, so that I too may have a share in it.

I know that each time I unconditionally give of myself I receive contentment, joy and peace from God for sharing the gifts He has given me, material and spiritual.

Heavenly Father: We are truly blessed by miracles when we believe. Help us all to come to know and understand what your vision is for each of us. Help us to know your love, forgiveness and truth and help us to accept and share that same love, forgiveness and truth with each other. Thank you for the many unconditional gifts you give us—especially the graces in marriage and the healing power of forgiveness. Amen.

May we all be touched with a Spirit of Sacrifice—both given and received in love.

Set a goal, see a vision, dream a dream and believe so you can achieve His blessing,

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