Monday, February 13, 2012

Grown in love

Women of Faith:
I am grown in the choices I make. I choose to be grown in love.

Love is not a feeling; happiness is a feeling.
Love is not an emotion; anger is an emotion.
Love is not a state; confusion is a state.
Love can include feeling and emotion and leave you in a state,
But love is, at heart a decision.
Love sees the imperfections, sins and failings and says, “I still choose to love you.”
--Mark Hart, Blessed are the Bored in Spirit

We are grown in love thru God.

I choose to weed out the lies which our fed to me by the media and influence all of our lives—the lies that say we can do no wrong. We are all sinners with imperfections, so we must choose to make God a priority so that we can grow closer to him.

The lies that say “it’s all about me and what’s important to me, and how I feel about me, and if I am happy in me.”It’s about putting God in each of those statements for it will only be his judgment in the end.

The lie that says our wrong choices are unforgivable, so there is no hope for me. God always forgives, but it is our choice to forgive others and to ask for forgiveness so that we may be forgiven: “And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And the lies that say we have a “right to choose.” Yes, we have a choice… but if we choose death over life, if we choose to sleep in instead of going to church (keep holy the Sabbath), if we choose anger over unconditional forgiveness then our choice is not God—our choice is not love.

Everything we have is a gift from God: Our time, our bodies, our children, the air we breathe, and the food that sustains us. Do we give thanks by choosing to let His seed be firmly planted in the soil of good friends and a God enriched environment?

I choose to be firmly rooted in my faith by truly trusting in the words of scripture—his words which fertilize me. I choose to be regularly fed by daily prayer, weekly attendance at mass and receiving him in the Eucharist so that my soul will be filled by the body and blood he gave us on the cross.

I choose to be watered by His grace because I seek His grace.

I choose to be warmed by the SONshine when I choose to give everything back to God in prayer and thru forgiveness.

Love One Another. As I have Loved You, so You should also Love One another.
John 13:34

Heavenly Father: We praise and thank you for the Spirit that gives us grace (thru water), fertilizing us thru your holy word and blessing us in the gift of your Son. May our choice be to love others as you love each of us. May we seek to be chosen by you, and may our choice be to serve you by serving each other. May we all choose to be grown in love, through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Weed out the bad seeds, be firmly rooted in Christ thru your choices, be watered by the grace of forgiveness, fertilized by scripture and may the Son shine on you this week,

Happy Valentine's Day,

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