Friends of Faith:
I am a
little bit of the Christmas Scrooge because Thanksgiving was followed too
closely with Black Friday. I think it was even worse this year though, because
the materialism of the “shopping adventure” interfered before Thanksgiving Day
was even over.
Since I
don’t want to wreck my own love of “the Real Reason for the Season-Christ,” and
I really do want to enjoy the Spirit of the true Christmas, I’ll let the scrooge
in me have it’s say now rather than later.
was the last Sunday of the liturgical year, the celebration of Christ the King.
Next week we will begin the season of Advent and the awaiting of the baby,
Jesus, who became Christ the King.
readings near the end of the liturgical year include parts of the Book of Revelations
and talk about the end of history as we know it. They are a striking contrast
of this world with the heavenly world—much as the Spirit of Christ and
Thanksgiving are contrasted with Christmas shopping and the materialism that is
Black Friday.
Mass introduction was a reminder that we don’t always need to receive what we
desire; that our wants are much different than our needs, and that we might be
better off if we got along without, and appreciated what we have instead.
Jesus answered, "My kingdom does
not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants
would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my
kingdom is not here." So Pilate said to him, "Then you are a king?" Jesus answered,
"You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the
truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my
voice." Jn
Is it any wonder that God keeps asking us to listen to
His truth, and reminding us of the importance of His kingdom, when our culture constantly bombards us with
advertising that says we shouldn’t even give thanks for a continuous 24 hours?
Father, You are the King, and because of You, I have everything. May I find it
in my heart to listen to You, to appreciate my blessings, and to share all that
I have with You thru those who you place in my path, especially those who need
to see you, in me, each day. Thank You for giving me more than plenty. Amen.
I, like many others, find it difficult to stay on task—to
choose “Godly” over what is earthly.
So the earthly Scrooge in me says—stop shopping, learn to
give thanks. And the heavenly influence says enjoy and give thanks for what I already have,
because receiving more isn’t necessary.
But I’m sure, just like you, I’ll go shopping, buy
presents and eat more than my share of food.
I hope, however, to remember each day, a little bit more
than the day before, that it is Jesus who is king; it is Jesus who rules the
world; and it is Jesus who I am suppose to imitate.
So this is a reminder: Shop a little less for those who
have bounty, and a little more for those who do not; accept the sufferings and
irritations of our life because our sufferings are not nearly as great as those
without electricity and running water; and serve graciously and humbly by
imitating Christ without grumbling—for it is He who was born in an animal’s
manger, and it is we who have warm comfortable roofs over our heads.
So this “earthly” Scrooge will continue to work on being a
“Christly” imitator—
Peace be in Christ’s reason for the season,
As the world becomes more secular people gradually distance themselves from God and He disappears from their horizon. With no God in one's life, people turn to material things to satisfy their wants.
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