Monday, February 17, 2014


Friends of Faith:
We have heard the saying and probably the song, “I did it my way.”

But do we realize that there truly is only one way, there is only one “I”, the “I” that is God’s way. For he said ,“I am the way, the truth and the life.”

Most of us are also familiar with the Sermon on the Mount which begins, “Blessed are the poor in spirit,* for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…..” Mt 5: 3-11
But then we don’t get past those first verses to what follows; scripture passages which are instructions for living, for actually doing life God’s way. Passages which talk about anger, forgiveness, adultry, divorce, judgment and the wisdom and consequences if we do life or don’t do life God’s way.

“Again you have heard that it was said to your ancestors, Do not take a false oath, but make good to the Lord all that you vow. But I say to you, do not swear at all. Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’ Anything more is from the evil one.” Mt 5: 17-37
God’s way is always a resounding YES. A YES to feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, visiting the sick and imprisoned, burying the dead and giving alms to the poor (Corporal Works of mercy.) A YES to instructing, consoling, forgiving, advising, comforting and bearing wrongs patiently (Spiritual Works of Mercy.)

Our hearts know when we do it really right – like sacrificing our wants for our spouses needs (making them and taking them their first cup of coffee in the morning); our finances for the poor (taking the time to help at a food kitchen, or putting our only dollar in the Salvation army bucket); our time for the lonely (missing a social event because you spent a little extra time with your Grandma, time with a hurting friend or made a phone call to your neighbor who is recently widowed.)
Heavenly Father, we praise Your Way. Sometimes it seems difficult to choose Your way, but when I do I know it is right. Help me to find the right way amongst all the choices presented by the world we live in. Your way isn’t usually the easiest or instantaneous way, but it is right, and I believe in your promise of mercy, forgiveness and redemption. You have given me a choice. Help me to choose Your ultimate love. Amen.

Think about this question: Do you make Jesus Christ visible to others, to your spouse, and/or to your children?
Make the commitment to live GOD’s way!

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