Women of Faith:
amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it
remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit. Whoever
loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life
in this world will preserve it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am,
there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me.” Jn 12: 24-26
As mom’s we quickly learn to put aside our wants and desires
to meet the needs of our children. Maybe it’s self preservation, that we don’t
want to listen to a baby cry, but I’d rather think it is because that is the
heart that God created in women. I see this character trait even among women
who for whatever reason are childless, an inner sense of responsibility and
compassion for someone in need… especially the needs of infants and those who seem
otherwise “helpless.”
I also think that this is why he blessed men with us as
their helpmates – so that the stereotypical strength and courage of a man would
be softened by the stereotypical caring and compassion of women – it takes
both, together, to be able to imitate the full realm of God’s persona. For,
together, we have been created in his likeness and image—and asked to continue the
creation of His kingdom here on earth.
“Then Jesus
said to his disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take
up his cross, and follow me. For whoever
wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake
will find it. What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and
forfeit his life?” Mt 16: 23-26
Again, Jesus speaks of growing by dying, of bearing our
crosses and becoming like him, of losing our earthly life by putting our needs
behind those of others, of putting our humanly life on the cross so that we are
free to strive for heavenly rewards… to be self-giving rather than
For what good is it if we have earthly “things” but fail to
attain eternal joy in heaven. What good is it if we have clothes, shoes and
vacations if we have broken marriages and children starving for attention?
Male and female, created together, under one mission,
complementary, so that joined together we have the strength and power needed to
carry the cross, the caring and compassion needed to assist each other, bear
the burdens of day to day life, and the mercy and acceptance it takes by both
in forgiving each other when we don’t quite live up to the roles we have been
Dying to my own needs…. Putting
others before me…. Finding the joy in bearing my cross as He did for us. My
mission may be difficult, but it is also necessary, not only to obtain my own
place in heaven, but to grow and show heaven to others. This is the one, true
mission that God set before each of us, to be a grain of wheat which dies so
that others may live—first in the domestic church through our family and then
in the worldwide church through our community.
Heavenly Father, it is in Your
image which I have been created, it is to Your image in which I hope to be
changed by conversion. Through your Son, Jesus, You bore the cross for each of
us. Help us now each to bear our crosses for you. May I see and accept each
person you place near me as a child of God who needs my love, compassion, and
forgiveness. Amen.
Take up your cross, die as does
the grain of wheat and live for Him by sowing the seed of faith in others.
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