Monday, February 8, 2016


Friends of Faith:
Thankfully since last Monday night our phone has gotten much quieter and I can actually sit and eat, watch TV or take a 5 minute nap without being interrupted by a political phone call or message. One thing the political candidates know how to do very well is to try to convince us that they are the right person.

If we think about it, this same thing has been going on for hundreds of thousands of years. Someone is constantly trying to evangelize us and convince us that we should follow them because their point of view is right. Someone tried to convince someone else that they should cheer for or follow the Broncos or the Panthers, the Republicans or the Democrats, the Union or the Confederacy, the Christians or the Jews, Isaac or Ishmael, or God or the Devil.

Not only are we asked to choose a side, but we feel compelled to convince others that A choice, our choice, is the Right choice.
I think we can all agree that of these choices there is only one that has always been THE RIGHT choice – God. We will always be right if we honor God and follow His command. Yet how often do we evangelize for what He designed, for what God has proclaimed to be right?

God IS Love. God designed life to BE love. God designed marriage to continue to give life AND love. This was his first command to Adam and Eve – to be fruitful and to multiply; so that God’s love, life itself, would continue to BE shown to others through our own lives.
God sent us Jesus to teach and give us forgiveness: Jesus showed us mercy and love. God sent us the Holy Spirit to guide us: so that we would know how to serve each other in love. God appointed and made covenants with Abraham, Moses, David, Peter and His successor Bishops (the design of the Church) to lead His people. God promised them that He would give us our daily bread – that we would need nothing but Him.

“Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” When they brought their boats to the shore, they left everything and followed him.” Lk 5:11
God gave us everything we have and everything we need. And then He asked us to become fishers of men, to speak up for Him, to be His voice to others – so that by our actions, in our prayer, in our deeds and in our words, every person would come to know Him. He directed the apostles, the first priestly followers of Christ (Christians), to leave everything else behind and to follow him.

We were not put here to choose between insignificant sports teams, to be divided into political parties, or to glorify and honor some voice, bachelor or Star Trek star. Our choice shouldn’t first be about the economy or the environment, about what food we eat or in what nation we sleep, but rather about how to protect, populate and promulgate life itself.
Our “job” is to love, to be givers of life and fishers of men; to protect the life we have been given and to spread God’s word so that more may be blessed with knowing His infinite love and living in his heavenly kingdom.

The devil has been working overtime to trick us into thinking that other choices are more important than the first choice: God’s gift of life. If we only look at the political forum, it is shouting volumes to confuse and spread messages contrary to, and seemingly more important, than God’s carefully planned design to continue His kingdom, here on earth and in heaven.
The devil has convinced some that a child may be an economic burden instead of God’s continued creation to spread and show us how to love. What if the life we choose to deny is God’s design to be His next Abraham or Peter?

The devil has convinced some that marriage isn’t about a unity to procreate God’s children, but rather a means to give human pleasure. Choosing to honor God by honoring His commandments may mean that we must take up His cross and deny ourselves.
The devil is convincing some that we shouldn’t open our doors to share our daily bread by serving to love those who are in need. What if we (not a government) have been put here to be God’s hands to give someone their daily bread?

Satan temps us to turn away from God and to “fish” for ourselves, our pleasures, our happiness, rather than to be “fishers” of men, to show others God’s love and call others to God’s kingdom. His mission is to divide us and separate us from God’s design.
Heavenly Father, You have given us the first and greatest gift, life itself, so that Your heavenly kingdom will be shared by all. Help me to spread Your message to others so that more may come to know you. Help me to be a more loving, more compassionate, more convicted fisher of men and women. Grant me mercy when I fall to the devil’s deception and serve myself. Help me to keep You first in my life. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be one with you each week in the celebration of the Eucharist. Amen.

We are all searching. No human is perfect. But God has told us that the Holy Spirit will guide us; that the Church will lead us and that hope will energize us so that we can confidently spread His design to others.
If you are looking for a retreat, renewal and/or a time for evangelization with Jesus and other “fishers of men/women” please consider the women’s CEW next weekend, Feb 19-21 or the men’s CEW Feb 26-28. For more information or a brochure on CEW go to

There has never been a better time to unite and to Go Forth to Spread His Good Word,

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