Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Martha and Mary, The Better Part

Friends of Faith:
 I’ve been feeling a little disconnected from God and overwhelmed by busyness. And while I realize in today’s world with all the distractions it’s probably not uncommon, it’s still difficult to get back on track. 
Andy sent me his “bulletin insert” for next week (he recently transferred as associate pastor at Resurrection parish in Dubuque to Pastor at Nativity Parish in Dubuque) and it made me realize that no matter where we are in life sometimes we just need a boost – for me his article – which I sought his permission to share with all of you.

 “On Tuesday, one week after I had started as Pastor, I was walking into the church and I realized that besides the Masses I had celebrated and the time in the confessional, I really hadn’t spent much time praying in the main body of the church, hadn’t taken the time for a Holy Hour, etc.

 “It made me realize that I had spent my first week being much like Martha, busy with many things, and not much like Mary, prayerful and reflective at the feet of Jesus.  Naturally, that realization made me stop and reflect on the situation, wondering “Why does Mary have the better part?  There is so much to get done, all of the time...”

 “Mary has chosen the better part because there will always be things to do, but there will not always be this time, right now, to be with Jesus, to learn from Him, to grow to be holier, to move closer towards the Kingdom of God.  Mary experienced this in a very direct way, but we experience it too.

 “Every day we have that choice too, whether we will take time in prayer or if we will let our busyness take over.  Realistically, we have to get some work done, so we can’t be like Mary all of the time, but we should try to carve out some time.

 “How much time is enough?  Well, it varies from person to person, situation to situation, but I believe God asks us not just to tithe our money, but to tithe our whole lives.  So, just for the sake of easy math, if we are awake for 15 hours a day, it seems reasonable to take 10% of that or one and a half hours and spend it in prayer, which could be attending daily Mass, doing spiritual reading, praying devotions, or just praying from the heart.

 “Take some time to stop and reflect on your situation.  We need not bite off more than we can chew, but start gradually.  I didn’t stop to do a Holy Hour, I took fifteen minutes right then and twenty minutes later, but the realization of that need to spend time at the feet of Jesus is the first step towards a holier and more joy-filled life.”

So for all of you Martha’s, May you all take the time to find peace and joy and be a little more like Mary this week!

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