I would love to be made new—to wipe away all of my flaws, all of my imperfections, all of the little things I don’t like about myself, what I have said or what I have done over time, to have every relationship I have ever made, be made “new.”
But wait, I have been made new by God and I continue to have
the opportunity to be made new over and over again by Christ being made present
within me if I can say three simple magic words—I’m Sorry, Please, and Thank You. The
same holds true for our relationships with others.
“Behold, I make all things new.” Rev 21: 5a
I was first made new in baptism: cleansed by the water; and
in confirmation when I asked to be made new by the Spirit. Our parents Please for what they wanted most for us
and then our own Please for what we
most desire.
And I am given the opportunity to be made new each time I
ask for reconciliation (I’m sorry) or
celebrate the Eucharist (Thank You) —because
I truly believe that Christ is present and he will make me a new person and
give me a new opportunity to be more like him in my daily life.
“Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of
life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will
never thirstwhoever eats of me shall not die.” John 6: 35
My slate can be wiped clean and the hunger, the emptiness
inside of me, can be filled if I have a desire, a faith, that Christ does make
all things new by my I’m sorry, my please, and my thank you.
Our human imperfections make us hungry and wanting. And
it is these same imperfections that make us search for fulfillment of the
deepest needs within us.
But the longer I put off saying I’m sorry, please and
thank you, the harder my heart gets. And the farther I am from the source, the more
difficult it is to see and ask for what is really necessary to be make any
relationship new and to understand what truly fills, or has created, the
emptiness within me.
To be renewed in Christ is what conversion means. It is
what we are called to do. It is our purpose and our ultimate fulfillment here
on earth.
The difficult, and sometimes seemingly impossible duty
and task, is to live as Jesus did and to be “new” in Him. Just as we are to
imitate Christ in his teachings to us, so were we taught by our parents to
imitate him in those very first words they taught us: I’m sorry, please and
thank you.
So what do I do to be made new in my relationship with
God and with others?
I must ASK to be forgiven (to SAY I’m sorry)—first of all to God, and then of those I have hurt. I
strive for humility and compassion.
I must ASK to get fed (Please)—fed by the Eucharist as often as possible. And I must patiently
allow others to serve me.
I must remember to say Thank You to God for giving me His Son as my daily bread and to gratefully
say thank you to others when they serve me.Heavenly Father, You are the fulfillment of life. It is in You I am made new. I am sorry for the times I try to fix it myself. Help me to understand that the same desire you have for me is the same desire I have to fill the hunger within me. Thank You for giving us Your son to wipe away all of our failures. Amen.
Please (come into my life), Thank You (for giving me
life) and I’m sorry (for taking what I have for granted).
These first words when said out loud to God (and to
others) will ultimately make those relationships new.Become new in Christ,