Monday, June 21, 2010

Seeking Answers?

Women of Faith:

I read, watched and heard, Oprah, Matthew Kelley and Father Corapi, all say this week: we are “just trying to satisfy our inner spirit.” Our inner being, our subconscious mind, tells us what is right and what is wrong, and we will not find happiness, satisfaction, or peace until we “listen and follow” our inner being. That inner spiritual need is for God to be the controlling power in our lives.
We are often torn in our decision making: in deciding what is right and what is wrong: what is God’s will and what is ours. As humans we are impatient and stubborn, we want what looks fun and what will make us instantly “feel good,” just as if we were children.

We shop for things we think we want, but don’t need. We eat when we are not hungry.
We hang out with friends who have what we want or make us “feel good” because they accept our bad habits. We are intimate (not necessarily sexually, but in spirit through conversations) with the people we work with, and then wonder why we can’t, and don’t have anything to communicate with our spouse. We choose the escapes of drugs, alcohol, gambling, or just “being busy” so that we don’t have to face the problems in our lives.

In reading this week’s gospel messages, I found comfort in knowing that God realizes that our choices our difficult and that He has given us the answers to those tough decisions we face each day. God, thru His scripture, is very clear as to what we must sacrifice, to whom we must serve, and to where our inner spirit will find God’s treasures—consolation, hope, comfort, peace and ultimately happiness. He also makes it clear when, where, why and how to make our choices. He truly gives us the solutions to all of our needs, and answers all of our questions. If only we will listen.

“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” Matthew 6:21

“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other...A house divided against itself cannot stand. Matthew 6:24-30

“If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.” Luke 9:23

“Give up your evil ways and keep my commandments.” 2 Kgs 17:13

If our heart is with food, we will be overweight. If we choose money, we will serve the “work master” and never have time for the things that really matter in life—our spouse, our family, or serving the poor, lonely, or needy of this world. If we don’t deny ourselves we won’t ever see the inner happiness of the giving of ourselves—I think we have all heard the saying: “it is better to give than to receive.” And if we are not following God’s commandments, then we must be following the devil’s answers and answering to evil.

The saints who are God’s human role models gave us the following wisdom about how to make choices—

“The devil’s snare does not catch you unless you are already nibbling on the devil’s bait.”—St Ambrose

“The soul possesses freedom; and though the Devil may make suggestions, he does not have the power to compel you against your will.”-- St Cyril of Jerusalem

“You need great discrimination in order to distinguish between good and evil. So do not readily or lightly put your trust in appearances, but weigh things well, and after testing everything carefully cleave to what is good and reject what is evil. You must test and discriminate before you give credence to anything.”—St Gregory of Sinai

“However great may be the temptation, if we know how to use the weapon of prayer well, we shall come off conquerors at last, for prayer is more powerful than all the devils. He who is attacked by the spirits of darkness, only to apply himself vigorously to prayer, and he will beat them back with great success.”-- St Bernard

There are only two roads: good and evil: God’s road and the Devil’s. What is your Choice?

Dear God: Praise be your Answers. Thank you for giving me the saints to be my role model s. I am sorry for the times I have followed the Devil and been a sinner. Help me to ask the right questions so that I can make the right choices. Protect me from my need for instant gratification. Help me to be self-sacrificing and not self-serving. Amen

Blessings on your Choices this Week,


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