Monday, June 7, 2010

Who is My King?

Women of Faith:

I am sure everyone of us has, or is, or will, at some point in our lives, get up five days a week and either put the kids on the bus, or go to a job.

Why? Because it is our responsibility. To “learn,” because the government tells us we should, and to provide for our basic needs.

I am sure, that because we are all Christians we are just as diligent every Sunday, in spending the Sabbath with God as our primary boss, and as our focus. First, we set an example and take our children to church and then, we spend time refreshing our Christian souls, spending time with our family or by using Christ’s day to serve others. We set aside school (the government) and jobs (money) and let Sunday be “God’s day.”

Or are we? What are we letting intrude into “God’s day?” Are we standing up as Christians and telling our other “kings” that Sunday is sacred? Are we showing our children and our neighbors who the real King in our lives is? Is Christ our King?

Ps 121: 7-8 “Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. The LORD will guard you from all evil; he will guard your life. The LORD will guard your coming and your going,both now and forever.

How can we be helped if we don’t make God our King? How can God guard us if we allow 5 days of the week to overshadow God’s day or if we “skip” God’s day this week? Why is it so important to remind ourselves and others that Christ is our King.

Matthew Kelley, in “The Rhythm of Life” talks about God’s day, with an emphasis on it as a day of rest: “The philosophical foundation of the lifestyles celebrated by the media screams, “Life is about what you have and what you do.” Pleasure, possession, and power are the three pillars… The emphasis is on having and doing, rather than on BECOMING. The truth is that what you BECOME is infinitely more important than what you do, or what you have.”

So , can I become “Christ” if I don’t spend a day with Christ? How can I become an imitator of Christ, my King, if I let the world become my King?

Dear God: Praise be Your Holy Day! I am sorry for the times when I let someone or something other than you be my King. Thank you for giving me a day to “rest” with you. Thank you for giving me time to spend with you and with my Christian family. Refresh my soul. Refresh the souls of my friends. Guard and protect me this week. And help me always to “become” more like you. Amen.

Blessings on your Week—

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