Wednesday, June 25, 2014

And they are answered again -- Thursday prayer requests

Friends of Faith:
So I have to admit when I wrote yesterday I didn't have as much hope in my request for Wednesday (tools for the shop) as I did for Tuesdays (the internet) -- but once again your prayers for us are being answered and we are being thankfully blessed.
The insurance company has agreed to let the guys pick out "bare necessities" and get them ordered so they can do basic service and diagnostics hopefully early to mid next week (a new prayer).
Actually tomorrow I hear that they are going to use some "spare" tools located at their homes and work together to put together a Ranger someone needs for the 4th of July and do set up on another unit that is sold.
And more blessings and a request for prayer for Thursday: Please pray in Thanksgiving for Randy and Connie Zimmerman and their faithful workers at Zline who are graciously going to pour more cement in the building they are allowing us to work on.
And pray for the safety of the VanHamme crew who is dropping whatever other projects they were working on to do this for us. By Monday we will be blessed with another 25 foot of cemented work area.
So many other blessings: in Thanksgiving for those that finished setting up my desks and painting a wall and for the Doyle's who are letting us use their building. In thanksgiving for customers who continue to shower us with prayers and well wishes and for all of you who are praying that only know us through some other association.
Thursday prayer continued: Please say a prayer that Ashley will be feeling well tomorrow. We think she may have gotten too much sun on Tuesday guarding our driveway.
Finally pray for patience for those customers who are needing service, that they will remain loyal and wait for our tools to be delivered and the cement to dry. Amen!
Thank you, thank you, thank you -- to all of you, and especially to God for the many blessings he is pouring down upon us.
I close with this famous passage that arrived via the mail today: "Come to Me, all of you who are weary and find life burdensome; I will refresh you. Take My yoke on your shoulders and learn from Me, for I  am gentle and humble of Hear. You shall find rest because My yoke is easy and My burden light." Mt 11:28-30
He is waiting for each of us to have a greater faith ... it makes the burden light and gives us rest,
In Christ,

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