Friends of Faith:
“My heart is restless until it rests in Thee.”St. Agustin
This may sound abstract, or like something that only happens when we die, but it came to make more sense for me this weekend when a deacon said: “The devil can imitate many of the things that God can do but the devil can’t give us peace.”
I thought of the inner conflict reflected in Lk 4: 1-13 when Jesus was tempted by the devil with his own words from Scripture. And how we often don't recognize Jesus just as the disciples didn't on the road to Emmaus Lk 24: 13-25. And I was comforted by the following Psalm.
My soul rests in God alone, from whom comes my salvation. God alone is my rock and salvation, my secure height; I shall never fall…Even from my place on high they plot to dislodge me. They delight in lies; they bless with their mouths, but inwardly they curse. My soul, be at rest in God alone, from whom comes my hope….Mortals are a mere breath, the powerful but an illusion…Do not trust in extortion; in plunder put no empty hope. Though wealth increase, do not set your heart upon it. …Power belongs to God…so too, Lord, does kindness, And you render to each of us according to our deeds Ps 62: 1-13
It made me think about many of the decisions I make each day, from the little ones, like what food I want to eat; to the big ones, like which thing on the list should be my priority; to the monetary ones like how to charge a client for the work I have done; and to the more moral ones, like how to react to someone who is angry with me.
In each case when my choice was healthy food; giving time to Stan or a family member or a friend in need; based on value not greed; or was a choice of patience and kindness instead of from a competitive—win it all for me nature, I realized that with each decision I had found a sense of peace instead of indecision or struggle. It made me realize why both St. Agustin’s famous quote and the deacon’s advice made my Godly decisions help me find peace, hope and ultimately joy—because I was resting in and choosing God’s will.
Lord Jesus, send us your Spirit so that we may be helped to make our decisions based on Your truth rather than the seeming power and the lies of the devil. Come Holy Spirit, Create in us a stillness so we can hear Your voice in creation and in Scripture, in events and in people, especially in the poor and suffering. May Your word guide us so that we too, like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, may know the power of your resurrection and witness to others that you live now among us, the true source of fraternity, justice and peace. Even when the decision is difficult help us to find rest in You. This we ask you, Jesus, Son of Mary, you who revealed the Father to us and sent us your Spirit. Amen.
May you find peace and joy this week, by choosing God in every decision, big and small,
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